
Unfortunately, Edward's music is not currently under any distribution to streaming services, etc. However, you can still stream and download his entire discography from his Bandcamp, which is embedded here. As soon as Edward has an official relase that will be sent to distributors it will be announced here, and likely a few other platforms.

"The Early Years"

Starting in 2008, Edward J. Wiseman began writing his own music. This is a collection of some of the first songs he wrote, between 2008 and 2012. They have withstood the test of time and have earned their place in Wiseman's discography.

"Grinding My Teeth"

In 2018 Wiseman was a guitarist and composer in the emo band Playoffs at the suggestion of his brother Matthew, who was the drummer. Though Playoffs didnt't stand the test of time, Wiseman made his own acoustic arrangement of his favorite song from their repertoire.

Playoffs was:

James Quirk (Guitar)

Dylan Ironside (Bass)

Matt Wiseman (Drums)

Edward Wiseman (Guitar)

Mike Smith (Vocals and Lyrics) still has the original demo streaming.

"A Mermaid' may be one of Wiseman's most listened to compositions, as it spent a year under a distribution deal. It was a departure from his normal songrwitring during the height of the pandemic. The music itself, and its surf-rock jazzy vibes, along with field recordings of the ocean in the background, are all meant to conjure the image of an adventurous mermaid out for a swim. This piece was composed for a friend of Edward's, Cassandra, who loves mermaids so much Wiseman would be surprised if she werent one herself.

"A Mermaid"

"Autumn Song"

A composition by Wiseman that unforutnately does not have an audio recording yet because he intends to add more to this song. This video was taken for schoolwork, as the audio portion of a score he submitted for his Composition final. You can expect a finished version and audio recording in the near future, maybe in the Autumn.